segunda-feira, 12 de novembro de 2018


This old communist bastard driven by Gramscianism, disgusting, licks Lula's foot. admirer and thief's helper from Brazil. That shames the Brazilian homeland. We, the Brazilian people, chose Jair Bolsonaro, the president of Brazil, in ballot boxes. Celso Amorim who never cared about the people will worry. What is this anti-nationalist, who hates Brazil and its people want what? With the transfer of the political bias of socialism - communism to democracy what bothers Celso Amorim? I am 64 years old and I lived both sides of the coin (military and civil) that was requested the Military Intervention (article 142) of the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988, it predicts. In the year 1964 the PEOPLE REQUESTED MILITARY INTERVENTION to get rid of COMMUNISM. I was happy in the military regime - ERA FREE and had the right to come and go and according to Emílio Odebrecht the gang of political leaders of the country and their peers began to STEAL Brazil, not thinking about its people, after the military government hand over the government to these thieves who should be killed in a breakwater. These thieves have caused the deaths of many Brazilians - A GENOCIDE, for lack of all essential services and that has put us in a country of extreme problem, absurd urban violence, murders and education below the desired world level. Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC) in Portugal said he did not even know Jair Bolsonaro (THAT STILL NEVER TAKEN POSSE) and FORGOTTEN TO SAY HOW HE STOLEED, BROUGHT HIS WIFE MRS. RUTH CARDOSO. This arrogant and outlaw man comes out talking about our country around. BEING THE LEADER OF THE THIEVES, UNTO THE UN, THEY ASK for interference. "UN WILL INTERFERE IN VENEZUELA THAT THE PEOPLE ARE DYING OF HUNGER." UN => REQUESTS the testimony, evidence and other of the 08 PROCESSES OF THE THIEF LULA AND THE BANDIDA "DILMA", TO THE Federal Regional Court 4th Region of Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. among other disgusting, anti-Brazilian.

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Lula tirou o Brasil do Mapa da Fome! Entenda a farsa! via @YouTube