Dear, you must give to the initiative of Lula, the Supreme trying halter (see post on the home), an appropriate size. Spread the truth on the network. A former president, top leader of the largest party in the country - which is in power - has served and serves as a blackmailer of our Supreme Court. Lula is placed in the role of ministers who can blackmail the STF.
The article that brings SEE in this week is one that exposes the most serious injury suffered by the rule of law since the democratization of the country - much more serious than the monthly allowance! Some sectors of the media are reluctant togive
the event its proper dimension, preferring implausible, because it is accustomed to to lend relief denied as ridiculous and implausible, because it
is accustomed to having an individual untouchable in the country, who considers himself above the laws,
institutions, the
decorum, the
customs, is
reasonable and common sense.
As for the so-called "denial" of Nelson Jobim, I think the post published by journalist Jorge Moreno (see below) speaks for itself.
No reason to sugarcoat it. What Lula tried to Gilmar Mendes has a name in dictionaries: "blackmail." The Concise Oxford defines the word as well, in its first sense:
"Pressure on someone for money or favors by threat of disclosure of criminal actsor scandalous (truthful or not)."
Attention, my faces, my dear, for the accuracy of the concept: "truthful or not"! In the "Sacconi Great Dictionary of the Portuguese Language", who already has the entry "petralha = PETISTAS = LULISMO" we read:
"Pressure is exerted on it by someone threatens to cause a public scandal, to obtain money or other benefit; extort money or favors under threat of scandalous revelations."
Attention to the accuracy of the concept "by threatening to cause public scandal."The question therefore is "cause scandal," no matter with facts "truthful or not."
Applause for Gilmar Mendes, who did not chicken out! It is good to remember that shortly after this conversation, his name circulated in blogs dirty, funded with public money, coupled with the assumption that would have traveled to Germany under the sponsorship
of Carlinhos Cachoeira. It did not happen,
of course! Mendes tookprecautions, announced the fact to two senators, the attorney general's office and the Attorney General of the Union might even, given the nature of the conversation
and your
script, have, in the limit, under arrest as Lula. Imagine the uproar (BAFAFÁ EM
There is
no secret
Lula's actions behind the scenes are no secret to anyone. ALL - I repeat: ALL! -JOURNALISTS POLICY WITH A MINIMUM LEVEL OF INFORMATION TO KEEPTHE PROFESSION KNOWS IT! And you know why Lula, and remarkably truculent political action - a feature which is more or less unnoticed because of style apparently good companion and square - is also a talker. Account benefits by the elbows. Mr. Dias Toffoli , for example, is one that should give a pito (reclamation). The former president and his messenger have the intention not only to ensure that he will attend the trial as they know the contents of your vote.
Lula lost the hand and the notion of limit. Do not accept that his party is judged by the laws of the country, and never accepted the institutional boundaries of whichhad to move. Considers that the legality is there to hinder and prevent their movement to do what must be done "nestepaiz".
His action to the Supreme halter (ter sob cabresto, amarrado ao que ele quer = tied to what he wants) ministers is, if you want to know more harmful than the advance of the military regime against the Supreme. He stripped ministers -action that seems in many respects, less deleterious than blackmail them. Themonthly allowance was an attempt to buy the Legislature, to transform it into a
meretrain-bearer of the Executive. The action is now seeking to annul the judiciary - in practice, the Power of Powers.
Obligation of the Supreme
The Supreme is required, I understand, to join together to make a statement, even if symbolic, to the nation: it is an independent court of freemen, who will not submitor the hoarse voice of the streets or the pressure of someone who arises as the owner of democracy - and therefore as the leader of a tyranny.
is time to reject the advances of this gentleman against
the institutions and willput a limit. Venezuela is not here, Mr. Luiz Inacio. And
never will! Moreover, it isinescapable to note: although
there are ministers who believe, sincerely and fortechnical reasons it
considers that the mensaleiros should
be acquitted, there will be Brazilian neste paiz suspect for reasons that
do not subordinate. Worse for the minister? Maybe so, but, above
all, worse for the country.
Lula became a vampire institutions. It's a past that does not want to spend.Nosferatu is the rule of law!
“Lula lost. The lies, the deception to the people, and he ended up fightingdesperately to avoid any judgment of the monthly allowance.
It was not permitted or publishers were afraid to edit the book of Ivo Patarra "TheScandal of Mensalão" where of course the performance and concordance of Lulaas president and his cronies. His book "The Chief". Speech and chief mensalãoLula.
The man is desperate.”
The man is desperate.”
In the two governments of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, several cases of corruption rocked the country the most serious scandal became known as themonthly allowance. PT leaders were accused of mounting a criminal organization.Lula tried to stifle investigations and protect allies and supporters.
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